During 1986 this Danish band was formed as Black Creed, playing heavy-speed, however it didn’t get the attendtion they deserved therefore they went through some changes, one of them being the change of name to Invocator; and as such, they describe themselves as a thrash metal band with a lot of death metal influences, aggressive and corrosive vocals, and fast & precise drums.

The first show was done in their hometown, Esbjerg; it was very important the show with Desexult (12/12/87), in which their performance was recorded as a live promo-tape, which had a very good feedback, regardless of its low quality.

Their lyrics have been evolving, currently they deal with matters such as life vs death, love, polution, boredom, fear of death, religious compulsion, and many other things.

In September ’88 the band record their first demo “Genetic Confusion” during 3 days: 4 deathrash tracks of great quality: “Dismal Serfage”, “Insurrected Dispair”, “Restraint Life” and “The Scarms Remain”.

In October ’88 they did the “Slow death Tour” through Denmark together with Furious Trauma, Hellraiser and Mental Decay...then, in December, they change drummer and enters Erik Zoega, and Mikkel Henssel on bass. With this line up they play together during 3 shows in August ’89, after that they decided to kick Zoega out because he didn’t respond well during rehearsals, Henssel followed him soon, remaining the following line-up:

Jacon Hansen (vocals, guitar), Jesper M. Jensen (bass, extreme feedback), Per M.Jensen (drums, ex-Extreme Feedback), Jakob Schultz (guitar).

In November ’89 they record a second demo: “Alterations”, recorded using a 16 track studio with 4 songs: “Alterations”, “Occurence Concealed”, “The Persistence from Memorial Chasm” and “Pursuit of a Rising Necessity”.

Both demos cost US $6 2 IRCs or US $7, and each order comes with free stickers and information from the band).

The following interview was done before the line up changes and the recording of “Alterations”, and it was answered by Jacob Hansen (guitar / vocals):

Psicoterror: When did you form Invocator and under what circumstances?

Jacob: The new guys Mikkel and Erik were found easily. I met Erik in school and Jacob Schultz met Mikkel also in school, before he formed Invocator. Therefore we didn’t take more than a month to form an stable band.

Psicoterror: Do you have some preferences toward Occult subjects such as horror stories, movies, black magic and whatnot when writing lyrics?

Jacob: Sometimes I write lyrics about Occult subjects. But I preffer  to write more complicated lyrics, with good contents and stories. In our old times  we wrote about Black Magic, Satan, etc. But simply it’s not funny anymore. Our lyrics show things worthy of talking about. I do really believe in what I write. Horror Books rule!!!

Psicoterror: What do you think about those bands that were originally satanic and after some time they change their lyrics in favour to something different?

Jacob: Well, as I said we were a Satanic band, but we were named Black creed. As Invocator we haven’t written Satanic lyrics again. The closer we have been from a “satanic” (I hate that word!) subject is the anti-religious song “Restraint Life”. I think it’s good to change: “Live and Learn!”.

Psicoterror: Why did you name your band “Invocator”? Who /what do you invoke?

Jacob: We took the name of Invocator because it sounded good, it fits the music we play and also because it’s a word with no special meaning at all.

Psicoterror: Please comment something about your demo.

Jacob: Our last really serious effort was the “Genetic confusion” demo. We’re really satisfied with that effort, because we’ve sold almost 400-430 copies. We don’t really know if we’ll do another demo soon.

Psicoterror: What do you think about racism and nuclear weapons in Europe?

Jacob: Well, sometimes I surprise myself thinking as a racist; but of course that I don’t believe in things like that at all!!! How could some people follow the steps of Hitler?? It’s beyond my comprehension...nuclear weapons in Europe...How could I feel safe?

Psicoterror: Some people have categorized your band as Death Metal, Could you define Death Metal?? What bands do you like?

Jacob: Hmmmmm...I couldn’t say that we play death metal. We play more thrash or deathrash. Our influences are Dark Angel, Slayer (of course!!!) and such bands. But we also listen to a lot of death metal such as Death, Autopsy (good!), Obituary (Gods!), Nihilist, Carnage, etc, etc.

Psicoterror: What’s gonna happen to Invocator now?

Jacob: As I told you, we don’t know yet if we’ll record a second demo soon. Perhaps we’ll do an LP if some record label is interested; but it seems that unfortunately there’s nothing yet...We have 3 new songs and we’re working on the 4th, which is certainly killer.

Psicoterror: Last words...

Jacob: Well, I appreciate all letters from Southamerica!!! You’re great! It’s nice to see that you believe in the scene in a 100%. I like that! Write us asking for our material! We have videos also! Keep your faith alive! THRASH ON!!!

c/ Jacob Schultz
Torvegade 7, 2tv.
6800 Varde