Hecate Enthroned was formed under the name of  Daemonum in 1993, as a five piece death/black metal band with Jon on bass and vocals, and Nigel and Marc on guitars. After a year of writing and playing across the North-West of England, Jon decided to take up an offer to join Cradle Of Filth in June 1994.

Daemonum continued to write and play with a new bass player and vocalist, recording their first demo during January 1995. This demo showed a definite reflection of the bands dark direction, and of things to come.

In the spring of 1995, a new drummer joined the band and Jon returned to take over vocals. Hecate Enthroned was now fully formed and the band began work on the next demo.

After a couple of successful shows in London, the band entered The Academy Studios to record the demo An Ode For A Haunted Wood. This led to the offer of a recording contract from Blackend/PHD.

The band returned to The Academy Studios to re-mix An Ode For A Haunted Wood, which became Upon Promeathean Shores (Unscriptured Waters). This would be their first release for the Blackend label in June 1996.

Prior to this release, the band endured another lineup change with the substitution of Michael on keyboards and Paul on bass. Finally, the band was solidified by Robert replacing Craig on drums in October 1996.

The band finally recorded their first album between January and February of 1997, entitled The Slaughter Of Innocence, A Requiem for The Mighty, produced by Andy Sneap, which was released in April 1997.

Before the release of Hecate Enthroned’s second album there were two more lineup changes! Paul was replaced by Dylan on bass, and Marc was replaced by Andy on guitar.

Then came Hecate Enthroned’s second album, “Dark Requiems…and Unsilent Massacre”, which was recorded between February 16th and March 3rd 1998 at the Windings, North Wales.

This takes us up to the beginning of 1999, where some major line-up changes took place. Jon, the original vocalist and Michael (keyboards) both left the band. Jon was replaced by Dean, and Michael was replaced by Daz. So, in december ’98 Hecate Enthroned released their new material on CD, titled “Kings of Chaos”, which shows a new side of the band, including death metal elements and shutting the mouth up of their detractors. Sincerely, I suggest you all to check out this release, as it has a lot of fresh ideas, but also keeping alive the old spirit of the band. 

I have read many times a lot of critics directed toward Hecate Enthroned. Usually they’re all the same: “Hecate Enthroned is a clone of Cradle of Filth, so get an identity!”, and so on. Well, lets be honest: Hecate E. had some musical similitudes with the Cradle of Filth clowns- but anyway they had their own atmosphere & an attractive concept and poetry. So, when I knew that the band recruited a new vocalist and keyboardist, and that they were going to inflict some changes unto their music, then I decided to contact them immediately.

So, I contacted Dean, their new vocalist, and so here we present the next  interview:

Psicoterror:  Let’s start with this one, as I’m really curious: Hecate Enthroned has  changed  it’s line-up a few times, now you’re the new vocalist. Well, I would like to  know if all  of these changes have had something to do with the new musical & conceptual  direction of the band? Do you think that the music of H.E has evolved  somehow?  why?

Hecate Enthroned: Yes, we have had more line up changes than I care to remember (I guess we are copying Cradle of Filth again - ha ha). Most of the time people leave, but some have been kicked out.

I guess the music evolves with new members coming in and out of the band, new influences and ideas come out. All of this is just a natural progression for us, we never set out to write songs that have to sound a certain way.

Psicoterror:  As I have heard, the musical direction of the band has changed into a  death metal orientated sound. Why ? Would you consider that it could be taken as a  trend  for a black metal band to play death metal in these days?

Hecate Enthroned:  Yes, the new sound has a death metal influence, but it still retains a lot of black metal trademarks. The reason for this is like I say, new influences in the band. As for black metal bands switching to play death metal (not in our case though), I have no problem with that. Bands of our ilk obviously play because we love to. This problem started with the Norwegian explosion, with them saying thing like ‘death metal is too wimpy for me’. Real death metal has never been wimpy! A lot of black metal bands are now acknowledging this, which is good. And when you mix the two genres, the result can be great!

Psicoterror:  Hecate Enthroned has always used the satanic topic in their albums.  Perhaps it’s due to the preferences of the old vocalist. Now that you’ll write the lyrics, I’d  like to know if the  conceptual basis of the band will change somehow? Could you explain to us the new  conceptual direction?

Hecate Enthroned: Things have changed drastically lyric wise. Jons lyrics were more like poetry (ie, you could read them without the musical background), mine you cannot. A lot of the time, Jons lyrics are out of synch with the music. I have tried to make the music catchier by following an instrument. The lyrics I write are more anti christian and to do with the self rather than some satanic philosophy. I guess my main inspirations and bands like Morbid Angel, Immolation, Deicide, Nocturnus and bands like that.

Psicoterror:  OK, now I’d like to ask this one: Probably you have answered this  question before,  but Hecate Enthroned has been very criticized because of your sound. Some  critics  say that you’re a clone of Cradle of Filth. I have found some musical  similitudes as well. How do you feel about these statements being the new vocalist?  Even more, I have read  a Cradle of Filth interview, where Dani  establishes that  Hecate Enthroned try to copy their sound in the recording studio. What do  you think about this?

Hecate Enthroned:  Statements like this make me laugh. The reason we get compared to them is mainly the vocals. Lets be honest, Jon DOES sound like Dani. But if you get past the vocals, the music is nothing like them at all. But because the vocals are a focal point in most bands, people dont see past it. When we were recording the new album, we were laughing, saying that people will already be comparing it to Cradle Of Filth. Re-write them reviews suckers!! So Dani thinks we copy their sound too does he? Oh yeah, thats true! We are going to get some shirts with a masturbating priest on the front, and ‘Dani is a cunt’ on the back! Seriously though, I dont understand his problem. I could say that they are copying us because they used the same studio as us (we were there first), but obviously this is bullshit. Perhaps Dani is trying to make himself look better by trying to make us look small. I have no problems with Dani or Cradle Of Filth, I’m hoping now that Jon is gone and we sound nothing like them anymore we can as least be civil to each other.

Psicoterror:  As you may know, the majority of the current black metal bands sing  about “the devil” and satanism just for a shock value, and not because they really mean it. What do you think about this in particular? Would you consider your lyrics  as a form  of propaganda or do you see them just from a musical perspective? Why?

Hecate Enthroned: I guess black metal lyrics can be seen as propaganda, but you are already preaching to the converted. So I guess most bands mean what they say and dont do it for shock value. But if bands do it for shock value, who cares? As long as they write good songs, its unimportant what they sing about.

Psicoterror:  What is your personal attitude toward Christianity and other forms of  organized religions, which you express through your songs? Please Explain.

Hecate Enthroned:  Religion is like a drug, some need it, some dont. I see religion as worthless, and the fools who follow it can be annoying. But at other times I couldn’t care less. It all depends on my mood of the moment.

Psicoterror:  Do you think that you could face censorship because of your lyrics and/or  statements somehow- Does the band had this problem before?

Hecate Enthroned: We have come across no censorship so far, and I dont expect us to either. There are far more shocking bands out there. There is a line on the new album that says ‘King of the fucking  jews’. No doubt someone will misinterpretate  it, make it out to be something it isn’t and blow it out of proportion (ED: Yes, that’s true, for sure you’ll have some problems because of that, just look at all of these anti-fascists/paranoid groups spreaded across Europe and America).

Psicoterror:  For you, what kind of minimun requirements must  possess an individual to  participate in a black metal/ antichristian propaganda project?

Hecate Enthroned: I would say to play the music we do you have to be more hateful than a ‘normal’ person. Hate and anger are good driving forces. If you are happy all the time, obviously this will reflect in the music, so it’s the same with hate.

Psicoterror:  Will you continue working with Blackend in the future? What do you think about the bands  who sign with big and Christian labels just because of the so called  “promotion”?  Would you consider that the current “Third Wave” of black metal have made  the whole scene just  a big market?Why?

Hecate Enthroned:  We have recorded our last album under contract, and Blackened have already sent us a new one. It would seem they want to keep us! Ha ha. We may resign with them, we may not. Lets see how the new album does first. I have no problems with bands signing to big labels. At the end of the day, they are still making music that is not commercial to the public eye. If bands say they dont want to sell records, then they are lying. All bands want to sell records, or what’s the point? And if you sign to a major label they can give you the push you need. The black metal undergound died a LONG time ago (ED:Yes, that’s right). And if you can make a living doing something you love, why not?

Psicoterror:  How organized is the Christian movement in England? Does it have any  strong roots there?  What is the attitude of the English society toward the black metal music & satanism in general, considering the fact that England has a Catholic and protestant movement?

Hecate Enthroned:  I guess christianity is quite strong here, but indirectly. It is more the fault of politicians who inflict their christianized moral code on us. England is not a great place to live because of this compared to Europe. Hardcore porn is illegal, you can get arrested for smoking a joint and public houses close at 11:30! So you see the hold it has is indirect. Then there are groups like The Jesus Army, who go around preaching their holy bullshit to anyone who makes eye contact with them. They are truly pathetic. To be honest, I dont think people know about black metal here. And if they do, they dont understand it and often ridicule it. I couldnt care less about these people. Obviously people see satanism as evil and nasty, but they are just ignorant fools. Another good example of how christianity has dug its talons into society.

Psicoterror:  Future Plans for the band, now that your new line-up is complete...

Hecate Enthroned:  Our new album entitled ‘Kings of Chaos’ will hopefully be out on November 8th, so we are gearing up for that. We have a Halloween gig too, which will be the first in this country for me. Apart from these, we have no concrete plans, but another european tour is not out of the question, and it seems we are in demand in America, so that could be on the agenda too.  (ED: In addition to this, the band has toured across Europe together with the polish Behemoth and Satyricon!, so that they seem to be very active lately!)

Psicoterror:  Last words for our readers...

Hecate Enthroned:  Don’t believe all you hear about us. Most journalists are scum who are jealous of our success. Listen with an open mind and heart. A thousand thanks for the interview, your support is appreciated.

Ok, if you want to contact this band, just write them to: (Enclosing of course an IRC or $2 for a sure reply)

Dean Seddon
68 Swinton Hall Rd.

Manchester M27 4BJ